Maintaining creativity is hard work and I always have multiple personal projects going on
Client / Own project
To stay creative is hard work
During stressful periods in life creativity disappears and is hard to find again - both in client projects and in personal ones. One of the reasons why I decided to do my own thing - both with Friend of mine and as a freelancer - is to find time for creativity that is not connected to a specific client project. Creativity feeds more creativity - the more creative I can be on my own; the more creative I can be in client projects. I've tried different things during the years as a working creative: illustrating books, doing my daily journal in illustrations, renovating apartments, knitting... For the past years I've been painting on old ceramics that you can find in any flea market, second hand store or in other peoples garbage. I call the project Improved by Me and you can visit the instagram account to see more (the blog is unfortunately not available any more). The project has been featured on several blogs and in newspapers since I launched it for the public in the summer of 2015.